Chaz Ashley

Job: Hunter Age: 16 yrs.
Being a young child getting into lots of trouble in the streets, Alys took Chaz under her wing. She taught him many things and even gave him a job as a hunter in Aiedo. He has become her full-fledged partner.
Technique/Skill Chronology:
Initial - Res, Earth
Lvl 4 - Tsu
Lvl 6 - Crosscut
Lvl 8 - Hinas
Lvl 9 - Ryuka
Lvl 11 - Anti
Lvl 12 - Zan
Lvl 13 - Airslash
Lvl 14 - Rimpa
Lvl 16 - GiRes
Lvl 17 - GiThu
Lvl 21 - Brose
Lvl 23 - GiZan
Lvl 25 - Rever
Lvl 27 - Rayblade
Lvl 31 - NaThu
Lvl 35 - Explode
Lvl 36 - NaRes
Lvl 37 - NaZan
Found - Megid (Anger Tower)
Alys Brangwin

Job: Hunter Age: Unknown
The Eighth Stroke Warrior. Alys' past is very unknown. It is said that she raised Chaz when he was young and she seems to know Rune from a long time ago. It is also said her measurements are "Starting from the top, thirty-six, twenty... Yeow!"
Technique/Skill Chronology:
Initial - Foi, Shift, Saner, Vortex
Lvl 8 - Zan
Lvl 10 - Moon Shade
Lvl 13 - Death
Lvl 14 - GiFoi
Lvl 18 - GiZan
Lvl 22 - NaFoi
Lvl 27 - NaZan
Hahn Mahlay

Job: Scholar Age: 24 yrs.
Student at Piata Academy, assistant to Professor Holt, son of a blacksmith, and fiancee of Saya. Hahn is a bit weak in melee, but he is a skilled spellcaster. When Alys isn't scamming meseta from Hahn, he is usually a good guy.
Technique/Skill Chronology:
Initial - Res, Gelun, Vision
Lvl 3 - Wat
Lvl 6 - Anti
Lvl 7 - Doran
Lvl 9 - Zan
Lvl 10 - Vol
Lvl 11 - GiRes
Lvl 12 - Rimpa
Lvl 13 - Rimit
Lvl 16 - GiWat
Lvl 21 - GiZan
Lvl 23 - NaRes
Lvl 28 - NaWat
Lvl 29 - Astral
Lvl 30 - Eliminate
Lvl 33 - SaVol
Lvl 37 - NaZan
Rune Walsh

Job: Wizard Age: Unknown
Not much is known about Rune, bits and pieces of his past do show up here and there. He tends to pick on Chaz lots by calling him "Shorty" and names to the similiar. He seems to know Alys from a long time ago. Rune also carries a secret with him which he doesn't reveal until later.
Technique/Skill Chronology:
Initial - Foi, Wat, Gra, Arows, Hinas, Ryuka, Flaeli, Hewn
Lvl 18 - GiWat
Lvl 19 - GiFoi
Lvl 20 - Seals
Lvl 21 - Rever
Lvl 23 - GiGra
Lvl 24 - Diem
Lvl 25 - NaFoi
Lvl 26 - NaWat
Lvl 27 - Tandle
Lvl 29 - Efess
Lvl 30 - NaGra
Lvl 32 - Negatis
Lvl 35 - Legeon

Job: Motavian Age: 19 yrs.
After seeing his hometown of Molcum was destroyed along with his parents by the hands of Zio. Gryz swears his revenge upon Zio. For the most part, Gryz is a bit hot headed and it is a well known fact that he is afraid of earthquakes.
Technique/Skill Chronology:
Initial - Brose, Crash
Lvl 14 - War Cry
Lvl 25 - Sweeping

Job: Numan Age: 1 yr.
Creation of SEED, a computer system who created Rika from 1000 years of research. Rika is an intelligent being who is the third known Numan in the Phantasy Star series. She excells in healing and is a valuable ally with her strong attacks.
Technique/Skill Chronology:
Initial - Res, Illusion
Lvl 4 - Double Slash
Lvl 8 - Saner
Lvl 12 - Eliminate
Lvl 13 - GiRes
Lvl 14 - Deban
Lvl 17 - Disrupt
Lvl 19 - Shift
Lvl 20 - Sar
Lvl 28 - GiSar
Lvl 33 - NaRes
Lvl 40 - NaSar

Job: Android Age: 324 yrs.
The cute compact android Demi. She is an assistant to Wren. Demi is in charge of Nurvus, which is interupted when Zio takes over and build his fort over top of it.
Skill Chronology:
Initial - Recover, Stasis Beam, Barrier, Spark, Medical Power
Found - Phononmezer (Found in Plate System)

Job: Android Age: 998 yrs.
Wren manages the aritficial satelite of Zelan. Wren is one of the strongest characters in the game and knows alot about everything. He will help you with machines in the game and is a very reliable Ally.
Skill Chronology:
Initial - Recover, Flare, Barrier, Spark
Found - Hyper Jammer (Found in Kuran)
Found - Burst Roc (Found in Weapon Plant)
Found - Positron Bolt (Found in Vahal Fort)

Job: Priest Age: 85 yr.
The one and only wise-cracking Raja. This holy man is the best healer you can find. After Chaz and company crash their space shuttle on his temple, he joins the group.
Technique/Skill Chronology:
Initial - Res, Anti, Rimpa, Sar, Arows, Rimit, GiRes, Seals, Rever, Blessing, Holyword, Ataraxia, Miracle, St. Fire
Lvl 27 - NaRes
Lvl 28 - GiSar
Lvl 31 - Regen
Lvl 34 - NaSar
Kyra Tierney

Job: Esper Age: 18 yr.
An Esper living on Dezolis, Kyra first meets Chaz and the group during an incident with some Carnivorous Trees. She sees herself as Chaz's "big sister."
Technique/Skill Chronology:
Initial - Res, Foi, Anti, Rimpa, GiRes, GiFoi, Gra, Medice, Flaeli, Telele, Hewn
Lvl 29 - Warla
Lvl 30 - GiGra
Lvl 33 - NaFoi
Lvl 35 - Bindwa
Lvl 36 - NaRes
Lvl 39 - Tandle
Lvl 40 - NaGra

Job: Scholar Age: 39 yrs.
The mysterious archeoligist who is found outside Soldier Temple at the same time Chaz and Company are there. He asks for there help to help him get through the temple so he can continue his research. Despite how polite and courteous Seth is, he holds a dark secret.
Technique/Skill Chronology:
Initial - Shadow, Corrosion, Mindblast, Deathspell